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...School Kids Smartphone Apps: We don’t have to tell you that teens love their cell phones! Apps are a way for teens to manage their food allergies in a way that’s familiar and convenient for them! Here are just a few apps that showed up in a quick search. We haven’t tested them all out, and there are new apps every day, but they could be of interest: Allergy Eats iCanEat Gluten and Allergen Free...
...There are many misconceptions about food allergies out there. In today’s post, we’ll summarize 3 of the most common misconceptions that we hear. Food Allergies vs. Intolerances Food allergies and food intolerances are often confused with each other but they are actually two separate conditions with different underlying causes, symptoms, and treatment. Read more about the differences between food allergies and intolerances here. Testing for Food Allergies Another common misconception about food allergies...
...chicken, fish and fatty fish such as salmon, fortified beverages, green and dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, cantaloupe, apricot, mango, grape juice, raisins, peanuts, and fortified wheat-free breakfast cereal. Before you get overwhelmed thinking about all of these different foods Take a step back and notice that these foods are colorful and come from the protein, fruits, and vegetables food groups. Specifically, what are these allowable foods that require removal in...
...In the meantime, you may want to prepare an allergy card for the chef that lists your child’s allergies explicitly. An allergy card will make food allergies and dining out more manageable. A list of foods that aren’t safe and substitute ingredients can make it easier for the chef to cook. This list adds a reminder, mainly if you are dealing with multiple food allergies. Go Prepared to Eat Before you leave for the restaurant,...
...appointment: What symptoms have you observed? Itching, swelling, skin rash (hives), vomiting, and difficulty breathing are the most common symptoms due to immediate onset (IgE mediated) food allergy. These can occur individually or collectively. What is the timing of onset? IgE mediated food allergies can occur within minutes of ingestion, almost always within a few hours. Delayed onset allergies (milk protein allergy in newborns) may not occur for 1-2 days. How long did the symptoms...
...By Kimberly Pellicore, The Food Allergy Mom Kimberly has celiac disease and is a proud mom to two children, one of whom has severe, multiple life-threatening food allergies and asthma. After years of being largely dissatisfied with the lack of credible online and local support systems, she established to offer parents and caregivers of children with celiac disease, food allergies, and asthma a POSITIVE support network. Follow her on Facebook , Twitter ,...
8 Common Signs and Symptoms of a Cow Milk Allergy
...even more acronyms? Infants allergic to both milk and soy: milk soy protein intolerance (MSPI) or multiple food allergies (MFA). With such prevalence, do you know the common signs and symptoms of a cow milk allergy? Children with a cow milk allergy often experience several signs and symptoms. These can affect multiple body parts, or systems (digestive, skin, respiratory or general). These are not specific to CMA, meaning they can signal other conditions. That makes...
...“Can I eat this?” At holidays, parties and family and school events, parents will eventually hear “Can I eat this?” from their child with food allergies. Hopefully, you have taught your child to always ask before taking a bite! You may not have had time to fully investigate the requested food, which requires not just reading the label, but may require calling the manufacturer of the prepared food. Consulting websites such as or...

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